Pet Transport and Pet Boarding Specialists

Gimli and Pippin Have Joined Their People
in Christchurch, New Zealand

Keringa-Petwings travel agent, Roxanne Barnard, received this email from their family:

Hi Roxanne, Gimli and Pippin are settling in well and they're healthy. We picked them up on Monday. Thanks to you and the Keringa team for all the arrangements and for looking after them so well.
Gimli and Pippin Have Joined Their People in Christchurch, New Zealand Keringa-Petwings Testimonials
Gimli and Pippin Have Joined Their People in Christchurch New Zealand Keringa Petwings Testimonials 3 | Gimli and Pippin Have Joined Their People in New Zealand 🐈❤️🇳🇿 | Keringa-Petwings
Gimli and Pippin Have Joined Their People in Christchurch New Zealand Keringa Petwings Testimonials 2 | Gimli and Pippin Have Joined Their People in New Zealand 🐈❤️🇳🇿 | Keringa-Petwings

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